Wildly Bold Homestead

Discover how Wildly Bold Homestead is nurturing the soul, healing the body, and embracing simplicity.

Welcome to Wildly Bold Homestead—a place where simplicity, self-sufficiency, and natural healing meet the demands of everyday life.

Our homestead, set on 3.5 acres of land in the hills of West Virginia, is the realization of a dream to live more in tune with nature, to grow our own food, and to find healing in the very ground we work. 

But beyond the hard work and careful planning, there's a deeper mission: to live life boldly and find beauty in the simple things.

Maybe you’ve thought about starting your own homestead or just wondered what it’s really like to live off the land. 

We are here to share our journey, what we’ve learned along the way, and why we believe that anyone can live a more intentional, fulfilling life—whether you have a sprawling farm or a simple backyard garden.

What is Wildly Bold Homestead?

The heart of Wildly Bold Homestead is all about embracing a life of intention.

For us, that means growing most of our own food, raising animals, and building a space where natural healing thrives.

Currently, we have added lion head rabbits (yes, they're as fluffy and adorable as they sound) and laying hens, which will provide us with fresh eggs and a sense of daily connection to the earth.

We’ve also started growing a variety of fruits and vegetables, experimenting with an orchard, and cultivating a medicinal herb garden.

Our homestead is more than just a place to live—it’s a lifestyle.

We believe that in today’s fast-paced, convenience-driven world, there’s something deeply fulfilling about slowing down, growing your own food, and finding natural ways to heal the body.

This is what defines Wildly Bold Homestead. It’s about simplifying life and nurturing our health, not just with what we eat but with how we live.

So, How Did Wildly Bold Homestead Begin?

So, how did it all start?

Like many big dreams, it began with a wild idea.

My husband Joe and I were living a different kind of adventure before the homestead became our reality.

We spent four years traveling full-time in an RV, soaking in the beauty of the U.S. from coast to coast.

We even lived in the Florida Keys for nine months, enjoying the sun, the water, and the freedom that comes with nomadic living.

But deep down, we felt a call for something more permanent, a place to plant roots—literally and figuratively.

We wanted a space where we could live closer to nature, a place where we could grow our own food and take care of our health using the resources around us.

After much searching, we found our homestead in West Virginia, and Wildly Bold was born.

We didn’t have all the answers when we started.

Heck, we barely knew what we were doing at first! But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?

Learning as you go, making mistakes, and figuring out what works.

The journey from our RV adventures to becoming homesteaders was a leap of faith, but it’s one we’ll never regret.

The Heart of Self-Sufficiency

At Wildly Bold Homestead, self-sufficiency is our guiding principle.

It’s not about living completely off the grid (though more power to you if that’s your goal!) but about taking steps toward independence.

That means growing our own food, preserving it for the colder months, and reducing our reliance on store-bought products as much as possible.

Our kitchen is the hub of this effort.

Whether it’s canning tomatoes, drying herbs, or experimenting with new slow cooker recipes that incorporate our homegrown ingredients, we’re always finding ways to make the most of what we grow.

Meal planning plays a huge role in making sure we use everything we harvest, and trust me, there’s nothing more satisfying than sitting down to a meal that came from your own garden.

But it’s not just about food.

Our homestead is also a place for natural healing. We’ve started growing a variety of medicinal herbs—like lavender, chamomile, and echinacea—that we plan to use for creating our own herbal remedies.

It’s a slow process, but knowing we can turn to natural medicine to take care of our family is incredibly empowering.

Lessons from the Land

One of the most profound things we’ve learned at Wildly Bold Homestead is that nature has its own rhythm, and you have to learn to work with it.

Homesteading isn’t about bending the land to your will—it’s about understanding the cycles of the seasons, the needs of the plants and animals, and how to be patient with the process.

There have been challenges, of course.

Our orchard is still a work in progress, and sometimes it feels like we’re battling the weeds more than we’re growing fruit.

There are days when the hens don’t feel like laying eggs, or when the rabbits seem more interested in escaping their enclosures than enjoying the fresh carrots we’ve grown for them.

But every challenge teaches us something valuable about the land, about patience, and about ourselves.

And there’s always something new to try.

Just last year, we started experimenting with beekeeping, and we’re hopeful that our honeybees will play a key role in our homestead’s ecosystem moving forward.

Not only will they help pollinate our garden and orchard, but they’ll also provide us with honey—a sweet bonus from our hard-working little friends.

Healing the Body, Naturally

For us, one of the biggest motivators in starting Wildly Bold Homestead was the desire to live a healthier, more natural life.

Our modern world is full of quick fixes, processed foods, and chemicals, and we wanted to step away from that as much as possible.

That’s why we’ve focused so much on growing our own food and learning about herbal medicine.

Our dream is to build an apothecary right here on the homestead, where we can create and share herbal remedies that help others heal naturally.

We’re not there yet, but we’re working on it. In the meantime, we’re learning everything we can about the medicinal properties of the plants we grow and how to use them effectively.

From making our own herbal teas to crafting soothing salves for minor cuts and burns, we’re discovering how powerful nature’s medicine can be.

And it feels good to know that we’re taking care of our bodies in a way that’s in harmony with the earth.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Wildly Bold Homestead

We’ve come a long way since those early days of dreaming about a homestead, but we’re far from finished.

The future of Wildly Bold Homestead is full of exciting possibilities.

Our orchard will continue to grow, providing us with fresh fruit for years to come.

Our herb garden will expand, giving us more tools for natural healing. And who knows what other wild adventures we’ll embark on next?

One thing’s for sure: we’ll continue to live boldly, embracing the challenges and joys that come with homesteading.

And we’ll always be looking for new ways to simplify our lives, nurture our souls, and heal our bodies through the work we do on this land.

If you’re curious about starting your own homestead or just want to live a little more in tune with nature, we invite you to follow along on our journey.

There’s always something to learn, something to grow, and something to celebrate at Wildly Bold Homestead.

Stay Connected With Us

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Follow us on social media to see behind-the-scenes glimpses of life on the homestead and get inspired by our daily adventures.

At Wildly Bold Homestead, we grow, heal, and live naturally—join us on this journey toward a more sustainable, intentional way of life.